About Us

China Water Environment Group

Committed to building a world-class national brand of water environment management

Group Development

● Committed to building a world-class national brand of water environment management

● Take the lead in formulating "technical guide for underground urban sewage treatment plant engineering" issued by the Ministry of ecological environment, which will be officially implemented nationwide from January 1, 2020.

● After five years, the Ministry of ecological environment issued the national advanced pollution prevention and control technology catalogue (water pollution prevention and control field) in 2019, with 26 items in total, and 2 items selected by the group.

● It has many core technologies with independent intellectual property rights; It has a number of national demonstration projects (Ministry of finance, national development and Reform Commission) for comprehensive water environment treatment, ranking first in the industry.

● Take the lead in formulating "technical guide for underground urban sewage treatment plant engineering" issued by the Ministry of ecological environment, which will be officially implemented nationwide from January 1, 2020.

● After five years, the Ministry of ecological environment issued the national advanced pollution prevention and control technology catalogue (water pollution prevention and control field) in 2019, with 26 items in total, and 2 items selected by the group.

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