Xinhua News Agency | China Water Environment Group Releases First ESG Sustainable Development Report on Water Environment


On June 12th, China Water Environment Group held the first ESG Sustainable Development Report and the third Youth Expert Committee at the Investment and Technology Promotion Office of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (Beijing), engaging in ideological collisions with international organizations, industry representatives, young experts from research institutes, and central media on sustainable development issues.

On site press conference

Vice President of the Group, Zhang Lujing, presided over the report press conference and introduced the path of ESG in water environment. The Water Environment Group combines its "Three Improvements" strategy with the principle of "3R" in the circular economy to innovate the "6R" concept, which includes six aspects: public harmony, partner reciprocity, employee reliability, government responsibility, shareholder resources, and ecological resilience. Over the past decade, the group has contributed over 6.5 billion tons of water resources globally, created over 1.56 million square meters of land for cities, added over 900000 square meters of green parks, and significantly reduced pollutants by 960000 tons of chemical oxygen demand, 160000 tons of total nitrogen, and over 20000 tons of total phosphorus through innovative practices of distributed sinking and regeneration water systems. This has contributed to the protection of the ecological environment and the response to global climate challenges.

Zhang Lujing introduced the original intention of the Water Environment Group to release its first Water Environment ESG Sustainable Development Report at the Investment and Technology Promotion Office of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (Beijing). The group's ESG concept is highly consistent with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Zhang Lujing, Vice President of the Group, released the ESG Report on Sustainable Development of China Water Environment Group, titled "Technology Leading People and Water Interdependence"

The report covers the sustainable development goals and specific practical achievements of the group in three dimensions: ecological path, social impact, and corporate governance. It conveys the corporate mission of "guarding the source of life and helping green development", promoting development through innovation, establishing a participant ecosystem, and continuously supporting the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

ESG report electronic cover

Chen Jialei, partner of Deloitte China's audit and assurance business, elaborated on the importance of ESG and sustainable development goals, as well as global ESG development trends in his speech. He stated that over the past decade, the group has deeply cultivated the technology of distributed sinking regenerated water ecosystem, confirming that sewage is a resource misplaced and continuously providing regenerated resources for society and the ecological environment. The Deloitte team has participated in the preparation of the first sustainable development report on water environment, witnessing the sustainable development achievements of water environment. He affirmed the innovation and growth of Water Environment Group in the ESG field, and hopes to continue working together with the group to seize the opportunities of sustainable development and create long-term value for the enterprise.

Chen Jialei, Partner of Deloitte China's Audit and Assurance Business, gave a speech on "Joining Hands with China's Water Environment to Enter a New Track of Sustainable Development"

Xu Ming, Vice Dean of the School of Environment at Tsinghua University and Chair Professor of Carbon Neutrality, stated in his speech on ESG in the AI era that multiple United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are directly related and of great significance to the water treatment industry. Technological innovation is the core driving force for enterprises to fulfill their social responsibilities and improve data governance levels. The Water Environment Group has done a lot of work in the fields of distributed sinking sewage treatment and recycled water treatment. The School of Environment at Tsinghua University has also collaborated with the group to develop a practical application oriented intelligent operation and maintenance assistant for water plants, "Tiangong China Water Environment," in the field of general artificial intelligence. Together, they will help build a beautiful digital governance system in China and build a green and intelligent digital ecological civilization.

Xu Ming, Vice Dean of the School of Environment at Tsinghua University and Chair Professor of Carbon Neutrality, delivered a speech on "ESG in the AI Era"

Liu Gang, a researcher of the Ecological Environment Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said in his speech that since July 2020, he has cooperated with the Water Environment Group to study the carbon neutral scheme of typical cities and parks, and its strategic layout is forward-looking. He emphasized that safe and clean water is the source of life, and sewage treatment is crucial for global sustainable development. He highly praised the contribution of the Water Environment Group in the fields of sewage treatment and water biosafety. He also looks forward to continuing cooperation with the Water Environment Group to jointly contribute to ensuring water resource security and promoting sustainable development.

Liu Gang, a researcher of the Ecological Environment Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, made a speech on the ESG Observation Report of China Water Environment Group

Professor Wu Yabin, Director of ITPO Beijing, stated that Water Environment Group is a leading enterprise in the field of water treatment in China and even the world, and its distributed sinking and regeneration water ecosystem solutions have taken the lead in the world. The ITPO Beijing office of the United Nations has been deeply involved in the first ESG Sustainable Development Report of the Water Environment Group, providing many suggestions and high expectations. This is a truly performance report under the guidance and endorsement of the United Nations, hoping to make it a benchmark report in the industry. He stated that this year marks the 20th anniversary of the United Nations proposing the concept of ESG. ESG is the "cross-section" of enterprise development and SDGs. Practicing ESG and sustainable development goals provides a "direction map" for enterprise development. He believes that Water Environment Group, as a leading enterprise in the industry, will continue to provide important assistance in achieving the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

Speech by Professor Wu Yabin, Director of ITPO Beijing

Dr. Hou Feng, Chairman of China Water Environment Group, stated in his concluding speech that sustainable development ESG is a social responsibility that enterprises must fulfill to become century old stores and evergreen trees. The group always adheres to the concept of green and sustainable development, making positive contributions to improving water environment and resource utilization. He pointed out that the group has been inseparable from the companionship and support of the government, the people, partners, and employees throughout its journey. It adheres to the concept of "government led, legal governance, technological support, public participation, and long-term governance", and upholds the long-term commitment of the group to social responsibility. We hope that all parties will continue to pay attention to and support the development of the group, and jointly contribute to the construction of a beautiful China and a community with a shared future for mankind.

Dr. Hou Feng, Chairman of China Water Environment Group, gave a concluding speech

The Water Environment Group has always adhered to the strategy of technological innovation, continuously recruited reserve forces of young experts, and fully utilized their talents. At the meeting, the group also presented a letter of appointment to Professor Guo Jianhua from the University of Queensland in Australia, a newly appointed member of the Youth Committee.

The release of the ESG report by China Water Environment Group is not only a summary of the company's work in environmental protection, social responsibility, and corporate governance over the past decade, but also a commitment and outlook for future development. Standing at a crucial juncture in the second half of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, China Water Environment Group will continue to aim to build a world-class national brand for water environment governance, inject new vitality into building a beautiful China, and contribute Chinese wisdom and strength to global sustainable development.

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