Science and Technology Daily | "Technology Leading Human Water Dependence - China Water Environment Group Sustainable Development ESG Report" Released


On June 12th, China Water Environment Group released the "Technology Leading Human Water Dependence - China Water Environment Group Sustainable Development ESG Report" (hereinafter referred to as the report) at the Investment and Technology Promotion Office of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization.

Zhang Lujing, Vice President of China Water Environment Group, stated in a report that in December 2021, the group proposed the path of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance) for water environment, which is highly consistent with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and proposes a path to achieve sustainable development for enterprises from three aspects: ecological path, social impact, and corporate governance. At the same time, we actively advocate and are committed to exploring ESG construction, combined with the group's "three improvements" strategy, and based on the "3R" principle, we innovate the "6R" concept from six dimensions: public, ecology, shareholders, government, partners, and employees, namely, harmony, responsibility, reciprocity, resources, reliability, and resilience. We actively practice the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and work with all parties to create a greener, cleaner, and more prosperous future.

"We have been deeply involved in the first ESG sustainable development report on water environment, hoping to make it a benchmark report in the industry. Through the United Nations platform, we will convey China's wisdom, China's solutions, and China's power initiatives to the world." Wu Yabin, Director of the Investment and Technology Promotion Office of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, said that this year marks the 20th anniversary of the United Nations' proposal of the ESG concept. ESG is the "cross-section" of enterprise development, and practicing ESG and sustainable development goals provides a "direction map" for enterprise development.

It is reported that after more than ten years of research and practice, China Water Environment Group has innovatively proposed the technology of distributed sinking regenerated water ecosystem. This technology uses sewage as a stable secondary water source for urban collection, treatment, and reuse, transforming sewage plants from above ground to underground, from centralized to distributed, and from sewage treatment to efficient utilization of resources and energy. Building green new infrastructure and urban ecological complexes on the ground, solving urban water environment governance, as well as water and land resource shortages, and providing clean and reliable resources and energy for cities.

As of 2024, the sunken recycled water plant has released a land area of 884904 square meters for urban development, with an annual carbon reduction of 180000 tons; The Green Park has added a total of 1200000 square meters, with an annual carbon reduction of 3144 tons. The service area of the water source heat pump is 103280 square meters, and the annual carbon reduction is 5918 tons.

"Tracing back to the source of the distributed sinking and regeneration water ecosystem comes from choosing innovation and practical innovation." Hou Feng, Chairman of China Water Environment Group, introduced that "in the absence of a successful precedent for urban black and odorous river treatment in China, we conducted in-depth research and repeated argumentation of the Nanming River treatment plan in Guiyang, and the government took the lead in adopting this technology system to face challenges. In the end, not only did we save huge investment, but we also systematically improved the water environment quality of the Nanming River and the quality of life of surrounding residents, achieving government confidence, people satisfaction, and industry praise."

"Humanity is a community with a shared future, and protecting the ecological environment is a common challenge and responsibility faced by the world. Looking forward to the future, we will continue to adhere to the concept of green and sustainable development, closely integrate corporate development with social and environmental responsibilities, and strive to achieve modernization of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, contributing to the construction of a beautiful China and a beautiful Earth home." Hou Feng said.

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