Hainan News Network | Innovating to Create a Model for Economical and Intensive Use of Land Resources


In recent years, Hainan has adhered to the complete, accurate, and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept, insisting on integrating resource conservation throughout the entire process and various fields of economic and social development. When focusing on the intensive utilization of resources, Hainan actively innovates and creates models for land resource conservation and intensive utilization by adopting new technologies, introducing agreed mechanisms, and establishing "land supermarkets", achieving high-quality development of ecological green integration.

The Meishe River in Haikou is about 16 kilometers long and flows through the densely populated main urban area of Haikou city. Wastewater treatment is an important livelihood project, and in the past, large sewage treatment plants were mostly built downstream of urban rivers or suburban areas to collect domestic sewage through the construction of long-distance underground pipelines. This construction model requires large-scale land acquisition and demolition, and long-distance transportation of underground pipelines can also easily cause sewage leakage or overflow, resulting in high construction costs.

In order to solve this problem, the Haikou Dingcun Water Purification Plant project of China Water Environment Group innovatively adopts the fifth generation distributed sinking regenerated water ecosystem technology recommended by five national ministries. The actual land area is about 35 acres, which saves two-thirds of the land design scale compared to traditional sewage treatment projects. It can process 30000 tons of sewage per day, maximize the utilization of land and water resources, make land appreciate, and truly achieve moderate concentration, on-site treatment, and nearby reuse of sewage. At the same time, it effectively solves the problems of high investment and difficult reuse in pipeline construction, adopts new technology, and only builds office management areas and open parks in the ground buildings of the project.

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