Practicing ESG丨Xinhua reporters walked into Ankang Jiangnan Reclaimed Water Plant of the China Water Environment to unveil the "transformation" journey of water!


As society progresses and living standards improve, there is a growing emphasis on environmental protection and water treatment awareness. On October 15, the Xinhua Young Reporter Ankang Organizing Committee, in collaboration with the Red Scarf Press Groups of Hanbin Primary School, Peixin Primary School, and Chengdong Primary School, visited the Jiangnan Reclaimed Water Plant in Ankang City, under the China Water Environment Group. Here, they witnessed the "transformation" journey of a water droplet firsthand.

The Jiangnan Reclaimed Water Plant utilizes distributed sinking reclaimed water ecosystem technology, boasting independent intellectual property rights within the China Water Environment Group. Its service area encompasses the Jiangnan urban region. Notably, the treated water quality surpasses the national first-class A discharge standard, achieving a remarkable 100% utilization of water resources.

Guided by a commentator, the young reporters explored various technological processes at the Jiangnan Reclaimed Water Plant, including sewage collection, pretreatment, biological treatment, advanced treatment, and effluent discharge, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the entire sewage treatment process. They also visited water treatment and reclaimed water utilization facilities to deepen their knowledge of water treatment and utilization.

The young reporters expressed that this visit enabled them to gain a profound awareness of the value of water resources and the critical need to safeguard them. Additionally, they gained valuable insights into the technology and processes involved in sewage treatment and recycling. They have committed to using this visit as an opportunity to increase their awareness of environmental protection issues. Moreover, they intend to contribute actively to environmental protection and the conservation of resources through practical actions.

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