CWEG Jointly Held the Eco Forum Global Annual Conference Guiyang 2016 and Vice President Fang Yong Delivered a Keynote Speech


   On July 10, 2016,sponsored by the InterAction Council, organized by the Guiyang MunicipalPeople’s Government, and jointly held by the Guiyang Municipal Commission ofDevelopment and Reform, CWEG and other organizations, the keynote forum“Public-Private Partnership (PPP): New Normal in China’s Urban Water ResourcesManagement” of the Eco Forum Global Annual Conference Guiyang 2016 successfullykicked off in Guiyang International Eco-conference Center. The Eco Forum GlobalAnnual Conference Guiyang is the only international high-level summit themed onecological civilization and approved by the central government in China.
        Presided over byRobert Sanford, the Interaction Council’s senior advisor on water issues, andLong Long, Director at the Research Institute of Industrial Economy under ChinaDevelopment Institute, the forum had discussions on the application of PPPmodel in the urban water resource industry. Thomas Axworthy, Secretary Generalof the InterAction Council, Wu Wengwen, Head at the Burmese Ministry of NaturalResources and Environmental Conservation, and other guests participated in thediscussions, to provide constructive suggestions for the governments andenterprises. Chen Gang, member of the Standing Committee Member of the CPCGuizhou Provincial Committee and Secretary of the CPC Guiyang MunicipalCommittee, and Dr. Moneef Zoubi, Director General of the Islamic World Academyof Sciences (IAS), delivered opening addresses. Chen Gang said, “The PPP modelis a powerful facilitator for integrated water resources development andutilization, under which the private party is responsible for providingprofessional project construction and management services and jointly sharesrisks with the government.”

Chen Gang, member of the Standing CommitteeMember of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee and Secretary of the CPC GuiyangMunicipal Committee, delivered an opening address

CWEG Vice President Fang Yong was invited togive a keynote speech. At the forum, he introduced the implementation progressof CWEG’s PPP projects, particularly of the Nanming River Water EnvironmentManagement Project, emphasizing that a PPP project should allow the fullparticipation of another “P”, i.e. the People, to empower them to enjoyhigh-quality public services. In this way, aside from the government andenterprise, the PPP model also benefits the people, maximizing the Value forMoney. Fang’s point of view was highly recognized by the attendees. FastCompany founder Alan Webb, in particular, expressed his appreciation to Fang’spoint of view in his speech.

CWEG Vice President Fang Yong was invited togive a keynote speech

TheGuiyang Water Environment Science Museum co-built by CWEG and the GuiyangMunicipal People’s Government is listed by the Guizhou Provincial People’sGovernment as the demonstration site of Eco Forum Global Annual ConferenceGuiyang. Themed “Ensuring Water Safety, Protecting Water Environment,Displaying Water Science and Technology, Inheriting Water Culture, DevelopingWater Economy”, the museum relies on innovative, visual and three-dimensionaltechnologies to showcase the state-of-the-art and most eco-friendly waterresource management & protection ideas and technologies worldwide, therigid demand for urban wastewater treatment, urban water culture, and measurestaken by the government to protect the water environment.

GuiyangWater Environment Science Museum

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