Excellent Employee Tree Adoption Activity | Our 1314 Day Anniversary


On November 9, 2020, the "2019 Excellent Employee Tree Adoption Activity" of China Water Environment Group was held at the sunken reclaimed water plant in Dali Bay Bridge, Yunnan. The activity adopted a total of 60 trees, including 8 types such as cherry blossoms, Lechang smirk, camphor, and blue jacaranda. Scan the QR code to enter the four seasons story of this tree together.

Nowadays, the four seasons change, and the tree from that time has gone from tender buds to lush branches and leaves, blooming and bearing fruit, constantly growing and changing. Today, with this 1314 day long longing, blessings, and gratitude, Dali Erhai Ecological Environment Management Co., Ltd. shares with you the different stories of these plants in the four seasons.

These trees have witnessed the hard work and joyful harvest of our growth and commitment to environmental protection during these 1314 days and nights. And this is just a microcosm of millions of environmentalists, honing life from immaturity to maturity.

If the group is compared to a tree, then mission, vision, and values are the roots of the tree, and employees are the branches and leaves. Having a broad perspective and making a promise, accumulating thick and thin hair, one day we will also grow into the towering tree in our hearts, enduring wind and rain to bloom the most brilliant flowers!

This is the best and most promising era. We believe that 1314 days is just our starting point, not our end point. Time is our promise, youth and beauty are our responsibilities, and mutual respect is our commitment. Let's stick to our original intention, face difficulties and forge ahead!

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