The land conservation technology of the Nanming River distributed underground reclaimed water plant in Guiyang City has been selected in the Recommended Catalogue of Land Saving Technologies and Models by the Ministry of Natural Resources


Recently, the Ministry of Natural Resources released the Recommended Catalogue of Land Conservation Technologies and Land Conservation Models (Fourth Batch). The land conservation technology of the NanmingRiverDistributed UndergroundReclaimedWater Plant in Guiyang City has been successfully selected with its outstanding innovative achievements and significant practical results, becoming a model in the field of public service facilities for saving and intensive land use.

With the acceleration of urbanization and the increasing scarcity of land resources, conserving and intensive land use has become the key to ensuring sustainable economic and social development. The recommended directory launched by the Ministry of Natural Resources aims to guide various regions to vigorously implement exchanging stock for increment, exchanging underground for land, and exchanging funds, technology, and data for space, further improving the level of land conservation and intensive use, and promoting high-quality development of urban and rural areas.

Layout of underground reclaimedwater plants, waterways, and residential areas

The land conservation technology and model of the Nanming River distributed underground reclaimedwater plant in Guiyang, independently developed by the group, have achieved efficient utilization of land resources through optimizing land layout, improving land volume ratio, and rational development of underground space. It meets the growing development needs without increasing land supply.

This selection is due to the group's long-term active exploration and innovation, adhering to the successful application concept of land intensive, environmentally friendly, resource utilization, green and low-carbon distributed underground reclaimedwater plants. The transformation of water plants from above ground to underground and from centralized to distributed not only effectively solves the problems of heavy odor, high noise, and insufficient sanitary protection distance in traditional ground plants, but also achieves efficient and intensive use of land, enhances the comprehensive utilization value of sewage treatment facilities, promotes the transformation of urban ecological negative assets to positive assets, and realizes the organic combination of environmental governance, comprehensive development and utilization of water and land resources, and supply of public goods.

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