Guizhou Business Area: Promoting the Construction of Local Standards to Ensure Stable and Standard Discharge of Urban Sewage Treatment


In recent years, China's sewage treatment industry has developed rapidly, with over 5000 sewage treatment plants built and put into operation nationwide, significantly improving the collection and treatment capacity of urban sewage. Meanwhile, with the increasing demand for resource quality, sunken recycled water plants with environmental friendliness, land intensification, and resource utilization advantages have become one of the mainstream directions for industry development.

The sewage treatment industry is flourishing, but there is still a lack of standardized management of personnel, machinery, management, and environment in daily production, resulting in many safety hazards and frequent safety accidents in sewage treatment enterprises. According to statistics, since June 2022, there have been multiple safety accidents in sewage treatment enterprises across the country, resulting in more than 80 deaths and a severe safety production situation.

In order to implement the spirit of the "Work Safety Law", "Notice of the State Council on Further Strengthening Enterprise Work Safety" (Guofa [2010] No. 23), "Guiding Opinions of the State Council Work Safety Committee on Deepening the Standardization Construction of Enterprise Work Safety" (Work Safety Committee [2011] No. 4) and other documents, effectively reduce and prevent accidents, especially major accidents. According to the safety production work deployment of the Guizhou Provincial Work Safety Committee, entrusted by the Guizhou Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, Xinkai Environmental Investment Co., Ltd. and Guizhou Zhuxin Water Environmental Industry Co., Ltd. took the lead in organizing relevant units to draft and prepare the "Technical Specification for Safety Production Level Evaluation of Urban Sewage Treatment (Reclaimed Water) Enterprises in Guizhou Province". This local standard is applied for by the Guizhou Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development and approved for implementation by the Guizhou Provincial Bureau of Market Regulation.

After receiving the work task, under the guidance of the group, Zhuxin Company attaches great importance and actively plans and deploys, organizes industry experts and professional technical personnel in safety, electrical, equipment, and technology, and jointly establishes the Guizhou Provincial Local Standard Compilation Working Group for the Technical Specification for Safety Production Level Evaluation of Urban Sewage Treatment (Reclaimed Water) Enterprises. With the Basic Specification for Enterprise Safety Production Standardization (GBT 33000-2016) as the framework guidance and combined with the characteristics of sewage treatment enterprises, the local standard content is determined to mainly include 9 core elements: safety target responsibilities, institutionalized management, safety education and training, on-site management, hidden danger investigation and control, emergency management, accident management, special management, and continuous improvement.

The preparation of this standard has gone through six stages: data collection, field research, comprehensive analysis and argumentation, standard writing, soliciting opinions, and technical review. After drafting, internal review, and revision, the preparation working group formed an initial draft and conducted a practical demonstration of standard rating in 10 sewage treatment plants under the jurisdiction of the business area. It was then submitted to the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development for public solicitation of opinions from water affairs, housing and construction, water supply and drainage associations and other units in the province for revision. On this basis, it was resubmitted to the Provincial Market Supervision Administration for public solicitation of opinions from the Provincial Standardization Committee, Provincial Emergency Department, and other units to form an approval draft. Finally, the Provincial Market Supervision Administration organized domestic professional experts in relevant fields to review and form the final release result. In May 2024, the "DB52T1801-2024 Technical Specification for Safety Production Standardization Level Evaluation of Urban Sewage Treatment (Reclaimed Water) Enterprises" was publicly released on the official website of the Guizhou Provincial Market Supervision Administration. It will be officially implemented from September 2024.

This standard specifies the standardized level evaluation of safety production for urban sewage treatment (recycled water) enterprises in Guizhou Province. Its structure is reasonable, the content is complete, and it has strong guidance and operability. It promotes the construction of standardized safety production in enterprises, improves safety production conditions, strengthens safety basic management, effectively prevents and resolutely curbs accidents, and has significant significance in promoting the healthy and sustainable development of enterprises, ensuring stable and standard discharge of urban sewage treatment, and stabilizing people's livelihoods.

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