World Environment Day · Beautiful China | Group Guangxi Project Enhancing Public Environmental Awareness and Showcasing Ecological Power


The theme of the 2024 June 5th Environment Day is "Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of Beautiful China". In order to enhance public environmental awareness, promote environmental protection actions, advocate green living, and strengthen communication with all sectors of society, and jointly protect the environment we rely on for survival, a special event of the June 5th Environment Day was held on May 31st, sponsored by the Guangxi Xingye Xinkai Water Environment Party Branch of China Water Environment Group, and co organized by the Yulin Xingye Ecological Environment Bureau, Xingye County Science and Technology Association, and Xingye County Senior High School - the opening of environmental protection facilities to the public.

This event is divided into five parts, including visiting the Water Environment Science Museum and Sewage Treatment Plant, interactive games, watching environmental public welfare promotional videos, environmental knowledge Q&A, and environmental cleaning actions. The aim is to enhance public environmental awareness and participation through rich forms and practical activities.

Firstly, the tour guide led everyone to visit the Water Environment Science Museum and provided a detailed introduction to water cycle, water resource distribution, water treatment technology, and water-saving knowledge, in order to raise public awareness of water-saving. Afterwards, through the interactive explanation of the sand table model, everyone gained a more intuitive understanding of the complex process of sewage treatment and a profound understanding of the key role that sewage treatment plays in the field of environmental protection. Subsequently, everyone visited the production area of the sewage treatment plant and experienced the entire process of sewage treatment, from pre-treatment to biochemical treatment, and then to deep treatment. Each step gave everyone a more intuitive understanding of sewage treatment. At the outlet, everyone witnessed the clear and transparent water after treatment, deeply felt the achievements of sewage treatment, recognized its importance, and understood the practical application of the knowledge learned in the science popularization museum.

Subsequently, an interactive game on garbage classification allowed students to master the knowledge and skills of garbage classification, improving their understanding of resource conservation and environmental protection. Subsequently, everyone gathered in the conference room to watch the environmental protection public welfare film "Nature Talks", which aroused everyone's sense of urgency towards natural environmental issues, enhanced environmental awareness, and stimulated everyone's enthusiasm to participate in environmental protection actions.

The Q&A session on environmental protection knowledge further deepened everyone's understanding of environmental protection and also motivated everyone's enthusiasm to learn environmental protection knowledge. In the final environmental cleaning action, everyone divided into groups to clean different areas of Donglong Park. Although sweat soaked their clothes, seeing the park become cleaner, everyone's satisfaction naturally arose.

This event is not only an environmental education activity, but also a call to gather strength and stimulate action. Although the road to environmental protection is long and arduous, as long as everyone can contribute their efforts, we can work together to create a better future. Guangxi Xingye Company will continue to uphold the concept of environmental protection, work together with all sectors of society, and contribute its own efforts to promote the construction of a beautiful China.

Produced By CMS 网站群内容管理系统 publishdate:2024/07/23 16:45:41