World Environment Day · Beautiful China | Group Sichuan Business Area Joins Hands to Build Beautiful Sichuan


Xingtian Company

At the 2024 Chengdu Science and Technology Week "June 1st" Science Exploration "event, more than 30 teenagers transformed into" Chengdu Little Scientists "and entered the Chengdu Water Environment Science Popularization Museum of China Water Environment Group, embarking on an unforgettable journey of" June 1st "science popularization and learning.

The Water Environment Science Museum is hidden underground in the park and is the first sunken recycled water plant in Chengdu, opening up a new world of water resources. Throughout the entire process of learning and experience, children are always fully focused and actively involved, occasionally raising their hands to ask questions, fully experiencing the charm of science and enjoying the fun of exploration. Faced with the eager eyes of children seeking knowledge, the teachers at each station of Yanxue use simple and easy language to bring mobile classrooms to everyone, and carefully prepare various forms of interactive experience segments, making the entire explanation interconnected and engaging.

Young Scientists Visit Chengdu Water Environment Science Popularization Museum

Guang'an Company

On World Environment Day, China Water Environment Group Guang'an Company, in collaboration with the Guang'an District Ecological Environment Bureau of Guang'an City, held a public open day event, organizing community veteran cadres and workers to come to the recycled water plant to learn about advanced sewage treatment facilities and processes, and showcasing the process of water resource recycling.

Under the guidance of the water plant operation team leader Jiang Chaopeng, the veteran cadres and employees visited various key areas of the recycled water plant. He explained the complex process of sewage treatment in easy to understand language, giving veteran cadres and workers a new understanding of this previously unfamiliar technology. He also specially showcased samples of incoming and treated effluent, allowing visitors to more intuitively see the changes before and after sewage treatment.

Visiting group to visit the intelligent management center of the factory area

"It's amazing how dirty water can become so clear!" sighed a visiting veteran cadre. Everyone expressed admiration for the group's technology and efficient operation of the recycled water plant.

On the same day, Wang Yi, the director of the recycled water plant of Guang'an Company, went to Fuyuan Primary School in Guang'an District as an environmental volunteer to carry out an environmental protection knowledge on campus activity. He explained in detail to the children the importance of garbage classification, the urgency of water pollution control, and the necessity of air pollution prevention and control through vivid cases. His words were profound and easy to understand, allowing children to learn knowledge and enhance environmental awareness in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.

Director Wang Yi teaches students about environmental protection knowledge

Wang Yi also presented carefully selected environmental books to the children. These books are rich in content and illustrated, guiding children to pay attention to environmental issues around them and learn to practice environmental protection concepts in daily life.

In the future, Guang'an Company will also establish close cooperative relationships with communities, schools and other organizations to jointly carry out environmental education activities. The company will dispatch professional environmental volunteers to enter communities and schools, communicate face-to-face with residents and students, answer their questions about environmental protection, and share their experience and skills in environmental protection. Through these activities, the company will spread the concept of environmental protection to a wider range of fields and contribute more to the ecological environment protection and sustainable development of Guang'an City.

Zigong Company

On the occasion of World Environment Day, China Water Environment Group Zigong Company responded to the publicity campaign of the Zigong Municipal Party Committee and Government to comprehensively promote the construction of a beautiful China, deepen environmental education, and jointly invited more than 30 teachers and students from Shuping Primary School to visit the Zigong Company's regenerated water plant to learn about the entire process of sewage treatment.

Group photo of teachers and students at the entrance of the factory area

Before the visit, Xia Bing, the plant operation supervisor, explained to the teachers and students the potential hazards of sewage. Subsequently, accompanied by Xia Bing, the teachers and students visited various stages of sewage treatment, allowing them to have a clear understanding of the daily operation of sewage treatment and deeply feel that every step of sewage treatment is related to the safety of water quality.

Comparison of water quality between teachers and students

Finally, Xia Bing led the teachers and students to the outlet. When they learned that treated recycled water would be used for garden irrigation and to meet some non drinking water needs in the city, some students exclaimed, "It's like magic, it's amazing!"

After the visit, the teacher in charge of the team said, "This visit allowed my classmates and I to intuitively experience the process of sewage turning from turbid to clear, and to understand the entire process of sewage treatment. This practical activity made the children cherish water resources more, while also stimulating their awareness of water-saving, loving water, and protecting the environment, and recognizing their personal responsibility and role in environmental protection."

Hongya Company

On June 5, 2023, Hongya Yaxin Water Environment Treatment Co., Ltd. held an educational and practical activity with the theme of "World Environment Day - Building a Clean and Beautiful Water Plant Together" at the Hongya County Urban Domestic Sewage Purification Plant, aiming to enhance employees' environmental awareness and jointly create a beautiful factory area.

Group photo of main event organizers

On the morning of that day, the Comprehensive Management Department, in conjunction with various departments of the company and employees of the water plant, jointly held a "World Environment Day" science popularization lecture. After the lecture, the employees immersed themselves in practical activities. Everyone worked together to carefully maintain the green plants in the factory area, including watering, fertilization, pruning, and other work. This process not only allowed employees to experience the joy of greening work firsthand, but also further enhanced their environmental awareness.

Employees water the green plants in the factory area

At the end of the event, employees from various departments and water plants also carried out a comprehensive garbage cleaning of the surrounding environment of the factory. Everyone has a clear division of labor, some are responsible for picking up garbage, while others are responsible for garbage sorting. Through this action, the employees not only practiced the concept of "jointly building a clean and beautiful water plant", but also made tangible contributions to the environmental hygiene of the factory area.

Employees clean up factory waste

The successful holding of this event not only enhances the environmental awareness of employees, but also demonstrates Hongya Company's positive attitude and practical actions in the field of environmental protection. In the future, the company will continue to uphold the concept of environmental protection and make greater contributions to promoting water environment governance and protection.

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