World Environment Day · Beautiful China | Group Shanghai Project Contributes Green and Low Carbon Jia Strength


June 5th this year is the 53rd World Environment Day. On the morning of June 5th, in order to build a nationwide action system for ecological environment governance, the 2024 Jiading District Sixth Five Year Environmental Day theme promotion event hosted by the Jiading District Ecological Environment Bureau was held at the Jiading Industrial Zone Community Party and Mass Service Center.

China Water Environment Group Shanghai Jiading Company attended the event as a representative of the National Ecological Environment Science Popularization Base. At the event, the company promoted Zhu Jingyi and shared the experience of Shanghai Jiading Company in ecological and environmental science popularization, introducing the company's achievements in science popularization work over the years.

On site of the 2024 Jiading District Sixth Five Year Environmental Day theme promotion activity

Exhibition board for "Comprehensive Promotion of Beautiful China Construction" during the 2024 Jiading District Sixth Five Year Environmental Day event

Coinciding with the National Science and Technology Week, as a science popularization base in Shanghai, on the same day, the Shanghai Association of Science and Technology organized an ecological, environmental, water-saving, and energy-saving activity at the Shanghai Jiading Water Environment Science Popularization Hall of the Group. The event aimed to "explore the source of life with small water droplets", and Shanghai Jiading Company launched the June 5th Environmental Day publicity activity, aiming to advocate for the public to save water, cherish water resources, start from small drops, and cherish water ecology.

Exhibition Board for the Group's Shanghai Jiading Company's June 5th Environmental Day Theme Event

Shanghai Association of Science and Technology organizes community residents to visit the Jiading Water Environment Science Popularization Hall in Shanghai

The Shanghai Jiading Nanxiang Sinking Regenerated Water Project has water treatment and environmental protection facilities underground, and ecological sports parks, science popularization halls, and other facilities above ground, forming a "factory museum park" complex. It not only provides residents with a beautiful environment for leisure activities, but also plays a positive role in promoting ecological civilization and green low-carbon concepts.

In the future, Shanghai Jiading Company will always adhere to the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing, and actively promote a green and low-carbon lifestyle. We call on more people to pay attention to and participate in the construction of ecological civilization, and with firm confidence, write a new chapter of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.

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