​World Environment Day, China Water Environment Group joins you in building a beautiful China


The prosperity and security of humanity depend on the development and maintenance of a safe and equal water future. Currently, about half of the world's population faces severe water scarcity for at least a portion of the year, while one quarter of the world's population faces extremely high water scarcity pressures.

——United Nations World Water Development Report 2024

The 2024 Global Resource Outlookemphasizes the importance of sustainable resource utilization, particularly in achieving the 2030 Agenda and multilateral environmental agreements to address the global triple crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, and waste.

Addressing climate change

The group actively responds to China's dual carbon goals and the 1+N policy system requirements, promoting coordinated and efficient disposal of pollution and carbon reduction. Through various means such as optimizing sewage treatment processes, recycling resources and energy, and developing aboveground carbon sinks, it effectively reduces carbon emissions and takes the path of green and low-carbon development.

Restoring biodiversity

In 2022, the sea cauliflower, known as the water quality touchstone, will once again bloom in patches after half a century, and its distribution area will recover to 300000 square meters in 2023. There are 260 species of wetland plants, 100 species of birds, 18 species of national level II key protected wildlife, and 20 species of aquatic organisms. The number of overwintering waterfowl has increased by about 35000 compared to the same period last year.

Turning waste into treasure

The group, research institutes, universities, etc. are conducting research and experiments on sludge resource utilization technology, utilizing organic carbon and nutrient elements in sludge to develop sludge compost fermentation and organic nutrient soil preparation technologies, and promoting sludge resource utilization.

The distributed undergroundreclaimedwater ecosystem independently developed by China Water Environment Group has been recommended as a core technology in the field of green new infrastructure water by multiple national ministries and commissions. The group has successfully implemented multiple national level demonstration projects with significant influence:

Comprehensive Management of Water Environment in the Nanming River Basin of Guiyang

Water Environment Management in Guang'an District, Sichuan Province

Governance of Lake in the Erhai Plateau of Dali

The successful implementation of these projects not only improves the efficiency and quality of water environment governance, but also promotes the sustainable utilization of water resources. China Water Environment Group regards green, low-carbon and technological innovation as the dual core of strategic development, continuously deepening the innovation and application of distributed underground reclaimedwater ecosystem technology. While solving environmental governance problems, it has achieved efficient utilization of water resources, land resources, and green energy, continuously promoting pollution reduction and carbon reduction, injecting new vitality into building a beautiful China, and contributing Chinese wisdom and strength to global sustainable development.

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