Safe Production, No Small Matter! The Ministry of Emergency Management Calls for Actions Like This Underground Water Plant


Recently, in order to further strengthen safety production efforts and raise awareness of safety precautions among enterprises, the China Water Environment Group, in collaboration with the Emergency Management Bureau of Xindu District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, produced the public service propaganda film The Bashu Stand-up Comedy about Limited Space of Safetyat the Xindu Company of the group. This film has been adopted by the Ministry of Emergency Management and broadcasted on its official website and various new media platforms.

The film is tailored to the actual industrial characteristics of Xindu District, inviting Bashu comedians and adopting a format that is popular and entertaining among the public. Through a short promotional film, it plays a significant role in serving as a warning for safety production.

Safety is paramount, and responsibility is greater than the heavens. The China Water Environment Group has always attached great importance to safety production. This time, through a vivid, intuitive, and deeply resonant form of propaganda, it not only creates a strong atmosphere within the group of "I have a responsibility for safety production, I am responsible for safety production, and I am dedicated to safety production" but also conveys safety education to the public and disseminates various safety knowledge. This allows the broader community to deeply understand the importance of safety production, continuously raising awareness about safety.

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