UNIDO ITPO | 2023 Sustainable Supply Chain Summer Seminar held in Berlin


The following article is from UNESCO ITPO Beijing, authored by UNESCO ITPO Beijing


The Investment and Technology Promotion Office (ITPO Beijing) of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNESCO) was established in 1990 as a specialized agency responsible for investment and technology promotion. It carries out activities such as investment promotion, technology transfer, consulting services, capacity building, and global forums.

The 2023 Sino German Sustainable Supply Chain Summer Seminar, jointly organized by the German International Economic Council (IWS), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization Office for Investment and Technology Promotion (Germany), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization Office for Investment and Technology Promotion (Beijing, China), and the German School of Business and Law, was recently held in Berlin, Germany. The theme of this symposium is "How sustainable is our supply chain.

Peter NU ß BAUM, President of the German International Economic Council, Zhai Qian, Minister of Commerce at the Chinese Embassy in Germany, Gunther Begger, Executive Director of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, and Professor Wu Yabin, Director of the Investment and Technology Promotion Office of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (Beijing, China), attended the event and delivered speeches.

In his speech, Nussbaum first welcomed the arrival of the Chinese delegation on behalf of the International Economic Council. He stated that China is an important partner for Germany in international trade, and a flexible supply chain is crucial for ensuring the smooth operation of the global value-added structure.

Zhai Qian stated in his speech that in the current context of deep adjustments by global suppliers, communication and cooperation are the top priority and the only way out. China has never changed, and the long-term continuity and stability of China's domestic and foreign policies have not changed. Both China and Germany are beneficiaries of globalization. China and Germany are mutually beneficial economic and trade partners, as well as partners in maintaining world peace and stability. We look forward to reaching new heights in China Germany cooperation.

Berg briefly introduced the history and functions of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization. He emphasized that consensus based standards can promote common development, and the smooth operation of the supply chain enables the industrialization of the final product. In addition, the industrial sector should attach importance to the protection of employee rights.

Wu Yabin stated that there is no regional value chain, only a global value chain. The value chain can only be integrated or exited, and cannot be separated or blocked. The sustainability of the supply chain includes both economic sustainability, which stabilizes expectations and enhances resilience, as well as environmental sustainability, emphasizing clean and smart energy and green development. The importance of cooperation between China and Germany, as global industrial and manufacturing powers, cannot be overemphasized.

During the guest discussion session, Hou Feng, Chairman of China Water Environment Group Co., Ltd., Patricia Graf, Professor at the German School of Business and Law, and Sandra Schuler Bosh from Lutheran Law Firm Ltd. discussed "How sustainable is our supply chain.

China Water Environment Group is an award-winning unit of the Global Call of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization in 2022. ITPO Beijing provides an international platform for developing country enterprises to facilitate better international exchanges.

This seminar is the last stop of ITPO Beijing's first visit to three European countries with policy, business, and knowledge partners after the end of the global pandemic. It is also a cross-border collaborative effort of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization's Global Investment and Technology Promotion Network.

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization has investment and technology promotion offices in 10 cities worldwide (Beijing, Bonn, Lagos, Manama, Moscow, Rome, Seoul, Shanghai, Tokyo, Berlin), and will soon establish its 11th office in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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