China Economic Network | CWEG has Won the UNIDO Global Call 2022 Awards for its Green and Low-Carbon Solutions


TheUNIDO Global Call 2022 awards ceremony kicked off in Shanghai on January 16,2023. 452 applications from 45 countries and regions around the world werereceived, among which China Water Environment Group, PepsiCo, Honeywell, CSCECInternational and Haier has stood out for promoting green low-carbontechnologies and net zero goals. Zhang Lujing, Vice President of CWEG, acceptedthe prize on behalf of the Group.

UNIDO ExecutiveDirector Fatou Haidara delivers a speech

Ledby UNIDO, the UNIDO Global Call is a flagship initiative against the backdropof climate change, post-epidemic economic reconstruction and green recovery, aswell as UN's Decade of Action for Sustainable Development, aiming to look forglobal green technologies and solutions that are replicable, scalable, andglobally applicable.

XieZhenhua, Chinese spokesperson for climate change affairs, said this global callis very meaningful for focusing on green and low-carbon technologies and netzero goals. He expects technologies selected could make their contribution toemission peak, carbon neutrality, global implementation of the Paris Agreement,and the world's sustainable development.

Honor Certificatefor China Water Environment Group

Throughevaluation, the Group's Distributed Underground Reclaimed Water Ecosystemtechnology has achieved remarkable results in terms of solution technologyinnovation, potential contribution to climate change and environmentalsustainability, feasibility of technical practice and promotion, sustainabledevelopment of society and economy, and job creation, providing a strongbacking for the green recovery after the epidemic.


Zhang Lujing, VicePresident of CWEG, receiving the honor (center)


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