Sichuan to Push Forward the “Guang’an Mode” for Comprehensive Pollution Control

   On March 14, 2017, the Sichuan Urban-Rural wastewater and Waste Treatment On-site Meeting kicked off in Guang’an. Yang Hongbo, Vice Governor of Sichuan, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Participants also included enterprise representatives and main leaders from the Sichuan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-rural Development, Sichuan Provincial Commission of Development and Reform, Sichuan Provincial Commission of Economy and Informatization, Sichuan Provincial Finance Department, Sichuan Provincial Environmental Protection Department, Sichuan Provincial Water Resources Department, and governments at the prefecture, municipal and county levels.
     During the meeting, Vice Governor Yang Hongbo shared Guang ""an’s experience and progress in comprehensive wastewater treatment, and spoke highly of the city’s pioneering role in using the PPP model to introduce CWEG - a large-sized professional water environment management enterprise, thus ensuring effective implementation of the Guang’an “Clean Water Action” Regional Water Environment Management Project and achieving remarkable results in regional water environment management. He also called on other parts of Sichuan to learn from the “Guang’an Mode”, go all out to fight against the “Three Main Pollution Prevention and Control Campaigns”, and start construction soon on a bunch of urban-rural wastewater and waste treatment infrastructure projects. According to him, the reason why ‘Guang’an Mode’ succeeds is because, for one thing, it combine all the subprojects of urban wastewater treatment and resourceful utilization, rural wastewater treatment, and river/lake/reservoir/water body remediation throughout Guang’an City into one project, for integrated implementation, optimization, operation and management; and for another, it adopts the PPP model which provides a systematic and efficient solution to capital, technology and management related problems leveraging expertise of the private partner.
    To promote the “Three-year Plan for wastewater and Waste Treatment Facility Construction”, Yang Hongbo made arrangements for future work: first, Sichuan should take the lead in strengthening overall planning of water environment management, making sure all the key areas and river watersheds are protected by treatment facilities; second, it should impose discharge standards that are more stringent than national ones, to ensure the effluent of the new and upgraded WWTP meets the Surface Water Quality Standard Class Ⅳ; third, it should, at the municipal and prefecture level, combine all the small-scale projects into one single large-scale project to entice competent enterprise investors; last, in accordance with the “Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Public-Private Partnership Model in the Public Service Field” issued by the Ministry of Finance, the PPP model should be applied compulsively in the field of wastewater treatment and waste treatment, leaving professional fields that the public party is not expert in, like project investment, construction and operation, as well as technology, to the private partner, thus improving management model and efficiency.
    According to Yang, it has been proven that it is the introduction of CWEG with financial, technical and management strengths that guarantees a high-quality and low-investment Guang ""an “Clean Water Action” Regional Water Environment Management Project, creating satisfactory effects in a short time. The “Guang’an Mode” provides a fresh, clear and replicable path to success for other parts of Sichuan, prompting them to implement a number of major environmental pollution prevention and control projects in a centralized way, so as to restore “lucid waters and lush mountains” and achieve green development.
   The meeting also arranged for attendees to visit CWEG’s Guang’an WWTP (new construction), Zaoshan Logistics Trading Park WWTP (new construction), Chongwang Townshi WWTP (new construction), and Nongxi Township wastewater Treatment Station (undergoing an upgrade), etc. They spoke highly of the Guang’an WWTP for its underground structure, and said that the layout of “underground WWTP + aboveground public park” fully demonstrates the scientific development concept of “ecological friendliness and resource efficiency” of modern cities. 

Attendees visited the Guang’an WWTP

Attendees checked effluent samples of the Guang’an WWTP

Attendees visited the Zaoshan Logistics Trading Park WWTP

Attendees visited the Chongwang Township WWTP
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