Zong Guoying, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Yunnan Provincial Committee and Executive Vice Governor of Yunnan Provincial People's Government, Highly Commended CWEG's Erhai Lake wastewater Interception PPP Project


    On Jan. 20, accompanied by Meng Jianwei,General Manager of CWEG Dali Division, a delegation led by Zong Guoying, memberof the Standing Committee of the CPC Yunnan Provincial Committee and ExecutiveVice Governor of Yunnan Provincial People’s Government, and comprised of headsfrom the Yunnan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Yunnan ProvincialEnvironmental Protection Department and relevant departments, paid a visit tothe Gucheng Underground WWTP as part of the Erhai Lake wastewater InterceptionPPP Project.

    The delegation was fully briefed on theErhai Lake wastewater Interception PPP Project, wastewater interception system,and operation status of the underground WWTP. They investigated the wastewaterand sludge treatment process, checked effluent samples, and found that theeffluent was clear and odorless, exceeding the most stringent dischargestandards in China.

     Zong Guoying highly commended CWEG for itsremarkable contributions made in the PPP-based Erhai Lake wastewaterinterception relying on its advanced management experience and professionaltechnologies. In order to benefit our next generations, we must keep the momentumto continue to promote the protection and management of the Erhai Lake, so asto steadily and constantly improve the water quality,” stressed Zong Guoying.

    Commission, Lan Jun and Wang Tianxi, DeputyDirectors of the Yunnan Provincial Environmental Protection Department, YangJian, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Dali Bai Prefectural Committee and Governorof Dali Prefectural People""s Government, Zou Ziqing, member of the StandingCommittee of the CPC Dali Bai Prefectural Committee and Executive Vice Governorof Dali Prefectural People""s Government, Shi Shuanglin, Secretary General ofDali Prefectural People""s Government, Gao Zhihong, Head of Dali Bai PrefecturalDevelopment and Reform Commission and Dali Bai Prefectural EnvironmentalProtection Department and Dali Municipal Party Secretary, and Zhao Yongxiang,member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Dali Municipal Committee andExecutive Vice Mayor of Dali Municipal People""s Government.

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