A Good Job in Protecting and Repairing the Yangtze River: The Achievements of CWE's Water Special Project Appeared in the Science and Technology Promotion Meeting of the Ministry of Ecological Environment

    On October 11 and 12, the International Conference on New Technology for Ecology and Environment 2019 co-hosted by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government took place at Nanjing International Expo Convention Center. Zhuang Guotai, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and Guo Yuanqiang, Vice Governor of Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government attended the conference and delivered speeches. CWEG was invited to the event and attracted much attention.
    To implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of speeches on greatly promoting the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and the requirements of “improving service awareness and helping enterprises to develop environmental governance solutions” put forward at the Central Economic Work Conference, organizers of the event simultaneously held the Promotion of Ecological and Environmental Research Findings to Protect and Restore the Lower Reach of the Yangtze River according to the Action Plan for the Protection and Restoration of the Yangtze River and local pollution management requirements. Research findings of national major water projects, and of major projects that promote water pollution control and water governance technologies were exhibited. These achievements provide strong technological support to the protection and restoration of the Yangtze River.
    As the undertaker of the “13th Five-Year” national major water project “Underground WWTP Construction Model Innovation and Ecological Complex Pilot Project”, CWEG exhibited “Underground WWTP Based Urban Ecological Complex” scaled model which demonstrates the core research findings of the project.
Dr. Li Peng at CWEG Research and Development Center introduces underground WWTPs and research findings of the national key water project.
    The underground WWTP based urban ecological complex provides an innovative planning and construction mode consistent with low-carbon green ecological civilization development.A complex is an ecological zone that integrates an underground WWTP which purifies and reclaims wastewater, and above-ground landscape and public service facilities. The underground WWTP applies a high-performance energy-efficient purification system which produces high-quality reclaimed water, and the above area integrates landscape and public facilities for recreation, science education and technological research. This mode creates a virtuous cycle of materials, enables rational use of energy, and integrates different functions.
CWEG “Underground WWTP Based Urban Ecological Complex” scaled model

    The 5th generation underground WWTP technology independently developed by CWEG is eco-friendly, land intensive and energy efficient. The effluent can meet Surface Water Grade IV standard without the participation of MBRs, and is used to replenish rivers. The technology addresses NIMBY problems, and converts ecological assets profile from “negative” to “positive”. Also, it plays a key role in providing an additional urban water resource.
    CWEG has built underground WWTPs in 19 regions such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guizhou and Yunnan, some of which are national demonstration projects.
Shanghai Jiading District Nanxiang Underground WWTP
Guiyang Qingshan Underground WWTP
Chengdu Tianfu New Area""s First Underground WWTP
Dali Shuanglang Underground WWTP
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