CWEG attends Underground WWTP Technical Alliance launch ceremony

      On September 22, the launch ceremony of the Underground WWTP Technical Alliance was held by the China Urban Water Association Urban Drainage Branch. The Alliance is co-founded by 13 organizations including Beijing Drainage Group Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Water Investment Group Co., Ltd., China Water Environment Group, Shenzhen Water Group, Beijing General Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd., Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute (Group) Co., Ltd., Central-South Architectural Design Institute Co., Ltd., etc. Zhang Linwei, Chairman of the China Urban Water Association, Tang Jianxin, Vice Chairman and Secretary-General of the Guangdong Municipal Industry Association, Huang Jiatian, primary investigator of the Water Affairs Bureau of Guangzhou Municipality, and representatives of the founders attended the ceremony. CWEG Assistant President Ye Qin, and Pang Hongtao, Executive Deputy Director of CWEG Engineering Technology Center participated in the ceremony on behalf of CWEG.
      As a founder of the Alliance, CWEG is leading China’s underground WWTP market as an innovative solution provider. It leads the R&D of the Underground WWTP Construction Model Innovation and Ecological Complex Pilot Project, the only national major project in the sector of underground WWTPs, and acts as a demonstration base for the application of project findings. Also, it led the formulation of China’s first underground WWTP standard — Technical Guide for Urban Underground WWTPs which has took effect on January 1, 2020, and Technical Regulations on Urban Underground WWTPs which has been released and is going to be implemented in January next year. The 5th generation high-quality underground WWTP independently developed by CWEG, which is eco-friendly, land intensive, energy efficient and ecologically safe, has been built in 20 cities like Beijing and Shanghai.
      Zhang Linwei stated at the lunch ceremony that China’s rapid urbanization and intensive development require underground WWTPs. In such a context, the Alliance is established to promote the collaboration among enterprises in terms of the design, operations and equipment manufacturing of WWTPs. Zhang stressed that a successful WWTP must consider the relationship between its functions and landscape, and between facilities under and above the ground, so as to benefit the surroundings instead of causing NIMBY problems.
      The establishment of the Alliance indicates the promising prospect of the underground WWTP market. We will enhance technical communication and business cooperation with industry associations and our peers in the high-quality development of environmental technologies, particularly the underground WWTP, to create a win-win situation.
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