Innovative technology Sino-German Centre for Water And healTh researCH


       On December 11, 2017, the Construction Kick-off Meeting for the Sino-German Centre for Water And healTh research (WATCH) & the First Meeting of the Bilateral Steering Committee was successfully convened in RWTH Aachen University, Germany. The WATCH is an international technology R&D cooperation platform approved by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and supported by the Chinese Ministry of Education to deal with multiple fields, including water environment, sanitation, health care and information. As the co-founder of WATCH, CWEG will vigorously push forward the construction of WATCH base in China, accelerate the introduction of Germany""s advanced environmental technology, and promote industrial transformation and application, in an effort to build up a transnational industry-university-research institution integrating education, research and economic development, boosting China""s water environment industry.



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